Phone: 0739156270
Service Region: Sweden
Company: Nujagutveckling AB
Language: Swedish, English
Delivery Approach: Face-to-face (on-site)
Expertise: Career Counselling, Trauma-informed approach and modality by Compassionate Inquiry, Educated in Norm Critic, Certified Facilitator in creating Thinking Environment (TimeToThink), Certified Trainer Radical Collaboration.
Helps individuals and groups develop self-leadership and cooperation, finding and using their courage. My strength lies in humbly listening to create safe arenas for people to develop themselves in a curious, exploratory atmosphere. Where people dare to see and get through what hinders development, find possibilities, and act.
Furthermore, I have taken the yearlong training in the Compassionate Inquiry approach to healing unprocessed feelings and trauma that hinder development.
I am a creative person who sings in a band and choir, paints art, and loves to play with children and adults when I get the chance.
Further education in courses that use Will Schutz FIRO as a foundation:
Certified trainer Radical Collaboration 2011, completed courses in Shadowing 2010, Authentic Leadership 1 2011, UGL 2012, Green Zone Health Adventure 2014.