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How to enhance creativity and collaboration in teams

Sunday, July 4, 2021
Author: Business Consultants, Inc.

How to enhance creativity and collaboration in teams

Building an overall structure and culture that supports their creativity needs:

 1.Involve right talents 
The team is more than the sum of its members; however, talented individuals are a great asset in any team. Collaboration between these members requires complementary skill sets needed to accomplish their tasks. Consider also collaborating with your customers to create the value they seek. This also includes collaboration among the stakeholders and experts within the organization

2.Healthy relationships are at the heart of collaboration
The team should know each other well, not just as professionals, but also as human beings. This creates healthy and trust-based relationships that promote the team’s engagement and increase their ability to resolve conflicts.Create an atmosphere of safety, trust and respect. Encourage multiple perspectives, diverse viewpoints, and creativity. Keep members energized through stimulating, quality discussions around cutting-edge issues.

3.A guiding vision and clarity of purpose are key to collaboration
The team should have a purpose statement that inspires them. The team’s collaboration should be directed to a big picture that includes goals, roles, responsibilities, and deliverables. The more the team is connected to this picture, the more able they are to create meaning and value for the organization. The type of People who flourish in creative work environments often invests their emotions and self-worth into doing good, worthwhile work. so it’s important to understand their priorities and passions to motivate them appropriately.

4.Provide great leadership
Nurture the brilliance of your people and do everything you can to remove barriers to high performance. Avoid being too autocratic and allow time for the team to weigh in on decisions. Help build team connections across the organization. Give credit where credit is due and recognize team performance as well as individuals. Use coaching to reinforce a collaborative culture. Coaching for improved teamwork, emotional intelligence, and navigating difficult conversations can produce dramatic improvements to the group1.

5.Keep them intellectually challenged
Being in an environment in which One is intellectually activated is a blessing. Employees need to be welcomed in solving problems and developing their business. Opening this room to think creatively sharpen their creative faculty and boost their morale as well.

1By Linda Najman,


For more about this topic, download our latest book "Creativity and Innovation Day" for FREE:

E-Book: Creativity and Innovation Day

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