Common Characteristics of Gen Y Individuals
Meet Eddie. An individual with a unique personality who is 40 years old. Eddie belongs to the generation that first witnessed the birth of the internet. He has witnessed the emergence of the digital age with the birth of complex cell phones taking over.
Therefore, Eddie is tech-savvy, he felt comfortable using technology and the latest software releases in the workplace.
In addition, Eddie always made room in his schedule for family and friends. For Eddie, work-life balance is important and highly valued. Eddie tried to seek more flexibility in his work schedule.
Looking back at Eddie’s working history, he has quite a job that pays more for the sake of a job that allows more flexible working hours with some space for remote working.
When talking to Eddie’s manager who happens to be a GEN X, he recalls how Eddie was Result-oriented, preferring to enumerate his accomplishments over documenting the number of hours he worked. Moreover, Eddie treasured praise. It helped him stay motivated and productive and meant a lot to him.
Doing the same thing over and over the same way? That cannot be Eddie. As a millennial, he preferred to try new ways to be more efficient. He also sought ways to work and collaborate with others to complete tasks and projects.
Looking at Eddie’s desk, a slogan was pinned up above his desk “Work smarter not harder”. A motto that is familiar to many of who belong to GEN Y or the millennials generation1
1Indeed Editorial Team 2021, All about Generation Y, Accessed 1 June 2021,
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