6 Characteristics of Adaptable Individuals
Stephanie was recently promoted to her long-awaited managerial position. She did not have many years of experience instead of her older colleagues. Nor was she best technically. However, Stephanie was mainly known for having an open mind.
Stephanie held a curious mind, unlike her colleagues, who would face new ideas with resistance and feedback with defensiveness. She would ask questions and try to understand more. Her curiosity and flexibility allowed her to explore a lot during her short career years. Hence, Stephanie managed to make it ahead of the rest of the troops.
1. Openness
To adapt, or in another word, to be flexible you must be open to change, which requires the willpower—emotional tolerance, mental fortitude, spiritual guidance—to face and smack uncertainty in the face and go on.
2. Flexibility and the flexibility to change course at any time
Adaptable people have elastic-like energy, a desire to bend and break habits, and a willingness to challenge themselves when their circumstances change. They are more likely to confront issues, pivot among diversions, and respectfully go forward. Adaptable persons are more likely to plan and strive for continuous growth. Those that are flexible reflect on both the risks and the rewards, balancing the "what can we be doing better" rays.
3. "It is not a failure, it is an opportunity"
To adapt means to develop and change, and to change means letting go of what you formerly thought was "right," classifying it as "wrong," and then adopting what you now believe is "right." If you don't, you'll get stagnant. Individuals and companies struggle with habits that have defined their success in the past rather than asking if those same habits will define success in the future. They're unlikely to do so. Blockbuster, Borders, and every other corporation that failed to adjust to a "new right" (i.e., new reality) would still be in business if they did.
4. Adaptability is a part of curiosity, curiosity and acknowledgment are the engines of adaptability
A treat for adaptable/flexible people is not only about being curious, they also try to see value in those new happening and therefore embrace them. That is what makes it easy for them to adapt to new things or take on new challenges. Inquisitive people are adaptable, and they urge their inner child never to stop asking "why." Adaptable people are also not afraid to ask "dumb questions." Those that are adaptive are eager to discover answers and analyze difficulties in a systematic, functional, and cross-functional manner.
5. Self-confidence at the core
Because the self-confidence, it is easier for adaptive people to move on with the change without overthinking about whether they will succeed at it or not.
6. Emotionally bright people are adaptable
They have a greater capacity for caring and tolerance, encouraging empathy and respect for others, including those who hold opposing viewpoints.
1Forbes, 3 Sep 2015, Jeff Boss, 14 Signs of an Adaptable Person, Accessed 17 Dec 2021, https://www.forbes.com/sites/jeffboss/2015/09/03/14-signs-of-an-adaptable-person/?sh=17be5a316eaf GoodWin University, 17 April 2020, 7 Qualities of Adaptable People, Accessed 17 Dec 2021,https://www.goodwin.edu/enews/seven-qualities-of-adaptable-people/
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